Handbooks de Gestão de Riscos
(em inglês)

A Practitioners Guide to Business Continuity Management

This Guide provides an overview of selected ‘generally accepted practices’ and emerging new practices used variously within Australasia, USA and UK. Business Continuity Management (BCM) practice is such that approaches that work well in one organisation may be wholly inappropriate for a different organisation. Extreme care therefore needs to be taken in deciding what and how aspects of BCM will be implemented within an organisation.

The structure of the Guide is based on Standards Australia Business Continuity Management Handbook HB 221:2004. Much of the information presented is fully consistent with HB 221. However, the principles of HB 221 have been significantly expanded upon and extensive new explanatory information is provided. This material is broadly consistent with the principles of other generally accepted practices such as NFPA1600 and the BCI Good Practice Guidelines 2005, Spring TR19:2005; and the work of the DRII and DRJ.

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Associados ao QSP: R$ 289,00
Não-associados: R$ 340,00              

Business Continuity Management

Sets out a definition and process for business continuity management, and provides a workbook that may be used by organisations to assist in implementation.


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Associados ao QSP: R$ 102,00
Não-associados: R$ 120,00             

Governance, risk management and control assurance

Provides guidelines on the implementation of a Control Assurance Plan, with an understanding of the relationship between governance frameworks and management practices. It emphasises the linkage between governance, risk management and control. Although the handbook is primarily designed for the private sector it can be applied across all sectors with minimal modification.

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Associados ao QSP: R$ 85,00
Não-associados: R$ 100,00                

Environmental risk management - Principles and process

This guide explains the principles and process of environment risk management, and provides guidance on implementation. It is based on the generic risk management process developed in AS/NZS 4360, Risk management, and offers a clear, consistent model and an integrated framework for ERMA. The advantages and special features of ERM are discussed, both in the broader strategic context and at the operational level for an organisation. A series of informative appendices further expands on particular and links with environmental management tools.

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Associados ao QSP: R$ 119,00
Não-associados: R$ 140,00           

OHS Risk Management Handbook

The Handbook provides practical guidance on how to apply the risk management process set out in AS/NZS 4360:2004, Risk management to manage occupational health and safety risks.


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Associados ao QSP: R$ 119,00
Não-associados: R$ 140,00            

Guidelines for managing risk in outsourcing utilizing the AS/NZS 4360:2004 process

Provides a guide to managing risk which arise when organisations outsource elements of their business. The handbook uses the risk management model in AS/NZS 4360: 2004 and includes case studies and a checklist of important issues to address when outsourcing.

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Associados ao QSP: R$ 102,00
Não-associados: R$ 120,00              

Risk financing guidelines

Provide guidance in a practical form to those people who are charged with arranging risk financing for their organisations, regardless of the size or nature of the organisation.


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Associados ao QSP: R$ 102,00
Não-associados: R$

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